Press Release: America’s Founding Fathers 2016 Currency Set

Contact: Karen Smith

(202) 874-2108

(First Day of Sale: March 29, 2016 – 8:00 A.M. Eastern Time) – The Bureau of Engraving and Printing proudly presents America’s Founding Fathers 2016 Currency Set.”  Each historic set features a Series 2013 $1 note from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and a Series 2013 $2 note from the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas bearing the portraits of George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, respectively, with matching serial numbers beginning with 2016.  This set is attractively packaged in a tri-fold folder and a clear, acid-free, polymer sleeve protects each note.

There is a limit of 25 sets per household during the pre-release period (March 29 – April 18, 2016).  After the pre-release period expires (April 18, 2016), household purchase restrictions are waived.  This exclusive set is limited to 5,000.

Act now and be among the first to own this historic, presidential set.  The America’s Founding Fathers 2016 Currency Set is $21.95.  Bulk pricing is available at $18.95 for quantities of 50 or more.  This product is offered during calendar year 2016 only.

For additional information about the BEP or to purchase products, please visit  You may also order BEP products by telephone (1-800-456-3408), by fax (1-888-891-7585), or mail (Bureau of Engraving and Printing, Mail Order Sales Department, 515M, 14th and C Streets SW, Washington, DC 20228).

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